Sports & Remedial Massage
A Sports & Remedial Massage Therapist (SRMT) should hold a recognised Diploma of Sports Massage Therapy. Sports massage as a title has been around for less than 25 years but is now very commonplace across all populations. It has become the upgraded version of 'remedial massage' in the late 1990’s - “a therapeutic treatment for the athletics industry” and how relevant and well timed it was.
Raising the Bar
The health and fitness boom shows no signs of slowing down with gyms and studios opening up on every street. As the health conscious become more educated about their anatomy and physiology they appreciate what it takes to keep their muscles, soft tissues, joints and bones all working to full expectancy and, of course, injury free at all stages of life. However, raising the bar of performance causes added strain on the body and sometimes does result in an injury or general fatigue.
Common gym/sports injuries can be treated by an experienced Sports Massage Therapist. Treatment will include mostly massage & deep tissue work, with trigger point, mobilisation & stretching techniques if appropriate. The therapist will also be qualified to advise on simple home exercises to aid recovery. But don't worry - you do not have to be a regular gym-goer to benefit. The technique has it's roots in traditional Swedish massage so you will often enjoy a full body, deep tissue treatment for relaxation or to ease those every-day aches and pains.
However, if necessary, injury preventative measures will be discussed with information regarding the frequency of visits that may be required for your personal upkeep. At Integrated Body Therapies we are here to help you stay healthy and injury free whilst you continue enjoying your sports and fitness programs or just to help you relax when needed.
You may see Tobias, Kipper, Jeff C, Jeff L, Starry or Troy for Sports Massage Therapy